Join the Fight to End HIV in Dallas County: Resources, Action, & Community

Join the Fight

Wondering how you, a single person, in a county of over 2 million people can make a difference? It’s actually pretty easy. There are a lot of roles that need to be filled when joining the fight to end HIV, and we’re here to help you find yours. Talking about HIV is the first step to progress. The conversation may feel awkward, but we’ve got tips on how to get the conversation started:

Sexually Active

Whether you’re going strong in a relationship, starting a new one, or just enjoying something casual, being sexually active puts you at risk for HIV. Period.

Start with Testing.

Before you take the next step to sex, know your status. Knowing your status is great for them, better for you.

Prevent with PrEP.

With a once-daily pill or bimonthly shot, you can be 99% protected against HIV.

Don’t Panic, Take PEP.

In case of emergency, take PEP within 72 hours of potential exposure to prevent HIV.

Talk, Talk, & Talk.

End the stigma, stop misinformation, and get conversations started.

Get Healthy.

Undetectable = Untransmittable. If you’re living with HIV, get treatment to lower your viral load and live a healthy life.

Educate Yourself.

Learn how HIV affects you and always talk with your health care provider.


Being a supportive friend or family member when it comes to HIV is crucial. Just knowing you’re there for someone can help them more than you know.

Know Your Status.

Everyone needs to be tested. When you normalize knowing your status, you let everyone know how important it is. Get tested.

Learn about HIV.

HIV education has expanded. Learn the real facts like how it’s manageable with treatment and ANYONE can get it.

Start the Conversation.

Talking about health is hard. Talking about sexual health is harder. And a support system is crucial. Ask questions, learn facts.

Encourage PrEP to prevent HIV.

Encourage talking PrEP to prevent HIV, especially if your loved one is at risk.

Encourage Treatment.

If your loved one is HIV positive, prompt them to get help.


Looking for ways you can help the community as a whole? Want to support those living with HIV or those at a higher risk for contracting HIV? Great! There’s plenty to do.

Share Facts, Stop Stigma.

There’s a lot of misinformation about HIV, but we can stop it by speaking up.

Walk the Talk.

Test and normalize this as part of a well-rounded health routine. When we all know our status, we all help end HIV.

Learn More About HIV and At-Risk Groups.

Support takes different forms. Help and volunteer when and where you can.

FAQs and Resources.

Brush up on your knowledge and keep sources on hand by visiting our FAQs


Looking to take your support out to the streets? Use your voice to speak up, share knowledge, and rally supporters. We can’t wait to help you get started!

Get Involved.

Being an advocate for HIV means getting out there and doing some work! Donate money or supplies to an organization.


There are plenty of opportunities for you to give time to those looking for aid and support.

Make Change by Voting.

Doing your civic duty is crucial for you, your country, and the community you want to support. Make sure you’re registered to vote.

End the Stigma.

Misinformation causes stigma. Share facts to bust HIV myths. You can find helpful facts and education.